Level Stat

by bancusoft



1. The purpose of the Level Stat application is to read and perceive public data about companies. (Open data is data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone, freely, without imposing restrictions such as copyright, patents or other control mechanisms.)2. The data about companies that are available through the Level Stat application are taken entirely from the government portal date.gov.md ( https://date.gov.md/ckan/ro/dataset/11736-date-din-registrul-de-stat-al-unitatilor-de-drept-privind-intreprinderile-inregistrate-in-repu ) and date.gov.ro ( https://data.gov.ro/dataset/firme-inregistrate-la-registrul-comertului-pana-la-data-de-07-aprilie-2023/resource/27d6a6fd-f656-477c-bb5b-5f727562205a ).Information provided:have only a general character and are not intended to address specific circumstances of any person or entity;are not necessarily exhaustive, accurate or up-to-date;does not constitute professional or legal advice (if you need advicein a particular field, always consult a qualified personcorresponding to) The application does not have a status of an official application or an official relationship or a privileged relationship or not, with a public entity.The application Level Stat processes - reads the data from the excel files to which the links are attached. 3. In some cases, the data may contain errors that were not previously detected. Therefore, Level Stat does not assume responsibility for the quality, accuracy and correctness of the data it makes available, the user going to use this data assuming this risk.4. In no event shall we be liable for any of the following losses or damages: (A) loss of data; (B) loss of anticipated revenues or profits; (C) loss of business; (D) loss of opportunities; (E) loss or damage to reputation; (F) losses suffered by third parties; or (G) any indirect, consequential damages resulting from the use of the Level Stat application.5.The application is not an application of the government or another public institution. The civil person is developed on a voluntary basis.The data are taken from open access (excel files) - https://date.gov.md/ckan/ro/dataset/11736-date-din-registrul-de-stat-al-unitatilor-de-drept-privind-intreprinderile-inregistrate-in-repu ) and date.gov.ro ( https://data.gov.ro/dataset/firme-inregistrate-la-registrul-comertului-pana-la-data-de-07-aprilie-2023/resource/27d6a6fd-f656-477c-bb5b-5f727562205a )Links are previously published.